WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can effect the formatting and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. (DRAFT -12/12/03) MINUTES OF THE PARK GATEWAYS AND INFORMATION WORKING GROUP MEETING 5pm, Thursday 6th November 2003 Broomhill, Newtonmore Present Andrew Rafferty CNPA Board Gregor Rimell CNPA Board Miranda Whitcomb CNPA Strategic Policy Officer Bob Wilson CNPA Board Apologies David Selfridge CNPA Board In attendance Andrew Thin CNPA Board Introduction 1. Miranda Whitcomb (MW) welcomed everyone to the meeting, noting her new role as Strategic Policy Officer. MW explained that her new post will mainly consist of coordinating the outputs of the Park Gateways and Information Working Group, under the guidance of its members. 2. She explained that the purpose of the meeting was to select a Chair, discuss a National Park visitor’s information needs, confirm the provisional outputs and short-term objectives of the Working Group, and to identify external interests to be invited onto the Group. Selection of a Chair 3. Due to a member of the Group being absent, the decision to choose a Chair was deferred ALL until the next meeting. Action All Identification and Implementation of the Aims of the Working Group 4. MW presented Paper 1, which outlined interpretive factors for the Group to consider before deciding on outputs. 5. Following the presentation, the group agreed the following outputs: Phase 1: To develop good quality welcome signage for the main entry points, identified by the group as the main A roads and a few B roads. The Group also agreed that developing more elaborate gateways was not a suitable use of resources at present and instead favoured the approach detailed in Phase 2 below. Phase 2: To develop information provision within key existing sites, i.e. tourist information centres and key ranger bases. This would consist of having a Cairngorms National Park area/corner/panel, etc. in the existing facility, with the agreement of the centre manager. Work on Phase 2 will commence once Phase One is well underway. 6. To take Phase 1 forward, the Group requested that a project brief is drawn up and a contract let as soon as possible. They also requested that outline planning permission for MWroad signage is submitted, as soon as the number of signs needed, and their approximate locations, is confirmed. Action MW Identification of External Interests to Join the Group 7. The Group agreed to defer the decision on which external interests should be invited to sit ALL on the Group until the following meeting. Action All Date and Venue of Next Meeting 8. No date was set for the next meeting, but the Group agreed to meet once the invitations to tender for the Phase 1 contract had been sent out. Miranda Whitcomb 14/11/03